Optimizing Variational Inequalities on Shape Manifolds
Volker Schulz, Kathrin Welker: On Optimization Transfer Operators in Shape Spaces, Shape Optimization, Homogenization and Optimal Control, International Series of Numerical Mathematics 169, 2018.
Björn Führ, Volker Schulz, Kathrin Welker: Shape Optimization for Interface Identification with Obstacle Problems, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 2018.
Athina Panotopoulou, Kathrin Welker, Elissa Ross, Evelyne Hubert, Geraldine Morin: Scaffolding a Skeleton, Research in Shape Analysis, Association for Woman in Mathematics, Springer, 2018.
Martin Siebenborn, Kathrin Welker: Computational aspects of multigrid methods for optimization in shape spaces, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(6), 2017.
Kathrin Welker: Optimization in the space of smooth shapes, Geometric Science of Information, volume 10589 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2017.
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Project Related News
May 24, 2018 : Best paper award for Kathrin Welker
Kathrin Welker has obtained the best paper award at the 3rd conference on Geometric Science of Information (7th - 9th November 2017, Mines ParisTech, Paris, France) for her paper on "Optimization in the Space of Smooth Shapes".
Oct 10, 2016 : Welcome to our new project member
Katrin Welker joins project 20.